Top 12 sharks of all time dangreous

Top deadly Sharks

1. ANGEL SHARK:Image result
  • flat body like a stingray -- you can tell the shark is not a ray because the pectoral fins are not attached to the head.
  • They bury themselves in the sand or mud with only the eyes and part of the top of the body exposed.
  • They are bottom feeders, eating crustaceans like clams and mollusks and fish that are swimming close to the ocean floor

basking shark photo by Chris Gotschalk2. BASKING SHARK:
  • second largest shark (about 30 feet long and 8,000 pounds)
  • filters plankton from the water using "gill rakers"

blacktip reef shark3. BLACKTIP REEF SHARK (Carcharhinus melanopterus):
  • does well in captivity so is often found in aquariums (which is why we have so many photos of them)
  • grey with a black tip on its fins and white streak on its side

blacktip shark - source wikimedia4. BLACKTIP SHARK (Carcharhinus limbatus):
  • Blacktip Sharks are different than Blacktip Reef Sharks (this confused me for quite some time)! 
  • They are usually about 5 feet long although the longest on record was about 9 feet long.
  • during breeding season every February and March, around 10,000 congregate along the Florida coastline.  It's like spring-break vacation for sharks!

blue shark5.BLUE SHARK:
  • about 12 feet long.
  • sleek, tapered body
  • among the fastest swimming sharks and can even leap out of the water
  • diet consists mostly of squid, but it will eat almost anything
  • considered dangerous - have attacked people

bull shark6.BULL SHARK:
  • third most dangerous to people
  • can swim in salt and fresh water and have even been found in the Mississipi river.

cookie cutter shark7.COOKIECUTTER SHARK:
  • a small shark (less than 2 feet long)
  • eats perfecty round chunks out of living whales and dolphins by clamping its teeth extremely sharp teeth onto them.

goblin shark photo from 19098.GOBLIN SHARK
  • very uncommon and likely the strangest looking shark (rarely seen the photos were actually taken in 1909)
  • pale, pinkish grey skin with a long pointed snout (it looks a bit like a sword on top of its head)
  • lives in very deep water.
  • found off the coast of Japan in 1898... until that time it was believed to have been extinct for 100 million years

great white shark9.GREAT WHITE SHARK:
  • more attacks on people than any other type.
  • averages 12 feet long and 3,000 pounds.
  • unlike most sharks, it can lift its head out of the water.

hammerhead shark photos10.HAMMERHEAD SHARK:
  • unlikely to attack people, but considered dangerous due to its predatory nature and its size (10 to 20 feet)
  • eyes and nostrils are far apart, giving it a "hammerhead" appearance and allowing the shark to extend the range of its senses.
  • their favorite food is stingrays.  Luckily for the sharks, they're immune to the stingray's venom.

mako shark11.MAKO SHARK:
  • fastest swimmer (43 miles per hour)
  • known to leap out of the water (sometimes into boats)

Nurse shark near Ambergris Caye, Belize
  • bottom dwelling shark
  • thin, fleshy, whisker-like organs on the lower jaw in front of the nostrils that they use to touch and taste
  • hunt at night, sleep by day
  • common at aquariums
This shows us a big level of ocean life with these creaturs and in ammazone every year almost 50 new types of sepisies are founded.